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Yoga & Reiki

I'm so happy you're here

Hello, I'm Lindsay


I am a passionate and dedicated yoga, meditation, and Reiki practitioner. I have honed my skills to create transformative experiences for my clients. My journey began with a deep desire to explore the mind-body connection and help others achieve balance and well-being.


As a certified yoga instructor, I specialize in Yin and Restorative yoga styles, each tailored to meet the unique needs of my clients. My classes blend breathwork, movement, and mindfulness practices to promote physical strength, flexibility, and inner peace. I believe that yoga is not just about the poses but also about cultivating a deeper connection with oneself.


In addition to yoga, I am also a certified Reiki practitioner, offering energy healing sessions that facilitate relaxation, stress reduction, and emotional healing. My Reiki sessions aim to restore balance and harmony within the body's energy systems, promoting overall wellness and vitality.


Moreover, I integrate short meditations into my sessions, providing tools and techniques to quiet the mind, enhance mental clarity, and promote emotional resilience. Through guided meditation practices, my clients learn to find inner peace and cultivate a greater sense of presence and awareness.


My approach is holistic and client-centered, focusing on addressing the root causes of imbalances and supporting my clients on their wellness journey. I am deeply committed to providing a safe and nurturing space for healing, growth, and self-discovery.

What is Reiki?

Reiki, an alternative healing therapy from Japan, combines two Japanese words: "rei," representing the universal or spiritual, and "ki," signifying life force energy. Translated as "universal life force energy," Reiki involves channeling this energy through a practitioner's hands into a recipient's body. By doing so, Reiki aims to balance and harmonize energy, fostering healing across physical, emotional, and spiritual realms.

How can it help you?

Reiki promotes deep relaxation, reduces stress, calms the nervous system, and enhances emotional well-being. It can relieve physical pain and discomfort, improve emotional balance, and increase feelings of peace and happiness. Reiki also balances the body's energy centers, supports healing processes, and complements medical treatments. Additionally, it can aid in better sleep, making it beneficial for those dealing with insomnia, anxiety-related sleep issues, or high-stress lifestyles.

Why Yoga?

Yin yoga involves holding poses for 3-5 minutes, targeting deep connective tissues and fascia to release tension and calm the nervous system, aiding in stress reduction. It balances energetic pathways, improves organ function, lubricates joints for flexibility, and enhances posture.

Restorative yoga, with gentle supported poses held for 10-15 minutes, promotes deep relaxation activating the parasympathetic nervous system to reduce stress levels and boost immune function. It releases muscle tension, increases flexibility, and improves body awareness, while also promoting mental relaxation, alleviating depression symptoms, and enhancing overall well-being.

Yoga Studio

Leanna C. 

“Lindsay is an awesome instructor! She's so patient and creates a welcoming class environment. I can't wait to take another class."
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